A pure wine
that reflects the taste of life
Between the rows of vines, simple gestures and feelings are adopted in such a way as to preserve the pristine landscape in its most natural form, making it a mirror of human consciousness. Only the life force of the plant is rewardedwithout affecting any of its processes. It is the microorganisms in the subsoil themselves that nourish and protect the vine, maintaining a stable condition through a process of self-regulation, responding to exogenous changes in the environment.
From perfectly healthy grapes, capable of preserving the harmony of their history, we arrive at a pure liquid capable of going beyond all limits. The aim is to achieve evocative results, going beyond concepts of terroir, variety, conflicts and trends, making the mind vibrate, stimulated through the frequencies that nature has suggested to the fluid itself, made up of every moment experienced between heaven and earth.
Giorgio Mercandelli's wines are liquid emotions, a personal experience, obtained from the alchemical process initiated within the bunch and brought to light by the biotic wine, capable of reflecting those same forces imprinted in the memory of each individual vine. Liquid results capable of adapting to any food, without distorting itself.
The fermentation of the grapes, harvested at a perfect degree of ripeness, takes place with only indigenous yeasts, inside inert containers, so as not to distort the memory of the fruit and the light enclosed within. The macerations adopted are very long, even up to 120 days. After years of bottle ageing, the dynamic character is activated and the evolution of the memory inherent in the liquid emerges, regaining its lost colour and recomposing the traits of its history.
Il tempo gioca un ruolo da protagonista, l’evoluzione dura almeno dai 5 ai 7 anni, durante i quali vengono ripetuti gli assaggi per valutare quando mettere le bottiglie in commercio. Anche gli stessi contenitori di vetro sono stati studiati apposta per poter preservare il contenuto da shock termici, acustici e vibrazionali. L’obiettivo è andare oltre l’analisi organolettica, parlando solo di stati d’animo.
S.A.T. technique and Crystals
The S.A.T. (Spagyric-Advanced-Technology) is a Swiss crystallographic analytical research method that allows liquid crystals to be derived from analysed test samples without the addition of any external reagents, let alone chemicals, but using only the original substance of the sample itself. This technique is a crystallographic precipitation method of analysis with a protocol inspired by the scientific theories of modern biophysics, capable of expressing the vital energy of an organic product. The crystalline structures that appear in the method S.A.T. are generated by the bio-energetic characteristics of the substance under examination and represent all its vital activities as well as its actual biological value.
The following illustrations, photographed under a microscope, in Giorgio Mercandelli, show harmony of form and a clear reference to shapes found in nature.
A clear indication of extreme quality.